

The BIG Move


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="221" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Blogs on JoopeA[/caption]

Chopstick Lady is perhaps my nth attempt to really maintain an online space where I can share my interests and rant about anything in my life. Since the great volcano of blogging erupted, I found myself attracted to the lava and ashes that having a blog grants to an aspiring writer. However, I'm always having a hard time maintaining a blog, especially since I have a lot of interests and I'm a slacker sometimes. Good thing, I decided to put up Chopstick Lady and declared to myself that from now on I'm going to place all the things I want to write about in this small space. Well, goodluck to me and I hope this blog is for good!

Moved items: these posts are from my previous blogs

First and Final WP Blog (Or so I thought)

The Story Behind “My-Then” Blog

Fighting for Literature Amidst A Sea of Trash

Book Review: The Broker by John Grisham



Do check out my related links below. If you are experiencing the same blogging issue as mine, perhaps you can get some inspiration from these posts about seriously keeping an online journal or blog.

Please share!



  1. Thank you for checking out my blog. Please continue to visit. I am going to keep my eye on you as well. I am interested to see you succeed in this endeavor this round as it seems that we have come down similar blogging paths. Good luck.

  2. @Kai: Nice blog title! I see that you're also caring for a newborn blog. I wish you luck too! Cheers!

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I find your blog interesting and informative. Thanks so much.

  4. I hope we can get in touch sometime :D

  5. [...] a new blogger (see my post about it), I’m still learning my way through the ins and outs of the whole [...]
